2015 To Do List - Review

1. Buy a house. - Done. Contract signed in January. House completed in August. We have been loving it ever since.
2. Finish my JLA Provisional year in May. - Done. I was so happy to end that year. It was a lot of hard work. Rewarding but hard.
3. Start my community placement in the fall. - Done. Although I haven't been very happy with my placement so far. I have a lot of work ahead of me between now and May.
4. Get Jackson involved in some sort of activity. - Done. Two Seasons of T-Ball with Chris coaching one of them
5. Get the boys back into swim lessons. - Done. Although Jackson still isn't too comfortable in the water. Sean was able to take lessons during his summer camp at the Y. Two birds. One stone.
6. Take a vacation. - Disney for Thanksgiving! Done. So much fun. I'm ready to go back.
7. Celebrate our 5th anniversary in June. - Done. We spent the weekend at Sea World in San Antonio although we spent our actual anniversary at the emergency vet since Maverick decided to eat a baby rattlesnake that day.
8. Welcome my newest nephew in April. - Done. Patrick is just the happiest little man.
9. See Alabama play in the Cowboys Classic in September.  - Sadly this didn't happen thanks to closing on the new house in August.
10. Work on a Budget and stick to it. - We did a lot of work on our finances this year in order to buy the new house. It wasn't exactly a budget but I would still say this counts.
11. Do something about my weight. - Yeah right...that didn't happen but it really needs to.
12. Celebrate Jackson's 4th birthday in July. - Done. We had his party at Pump It Up and it was a blast for the kids and easy for me so I say it was a win.
13. Volunteer at VBS. - No, when the time came, I just couldn't take off work to do it. I was actually really sad about this.
14. Make time to read. - Not really. I only read 7 of 12 for my Goodreads goal for this year. I started a book on our trip but a month later I haven't touched it since we got back.
15. Buy a new bed for Jackson to replace the toddler bed. - Done. We bought Jackson a twin daybed for his new room when we moved. I don't recommend Wayfair though. We purchased two items from there including the bed and both had issues when they arrived.
16. Spend a long weekend in Houston with my brother. - Sort of. Jackson and I went down for Patrick's Baby Dedication in May. It was the first time Mom and Dad had been to Texas since her cancer diagnosis in February 2012.
17. Spend a weekend with Chris's family in Wicitia Falls. - Almost. We had a hotel booked. Our bags were packed and we were ready to go and Jackson woke up throwing up the morning we were supposed to leave so we had to cancel our plans
18. Get caught up on Jackson's yearly picture books. - Not even close. I still haven't completed year two. I just don't think it is going to happen.
19. Cross stitch something and have it framed. - Haha! Wishful thinking. Not even sure why I included this one.
20. See the sights of Austin. - Nope. I have such high hopes at the beginning of each year.
21. Schedule a family photo shot. - Scheduled and cancelled. We just got too busy and we had no money and we had a ton of pictures of the boys from school and activities.
22. Close out our storage unit. - Done. I was amused watching the movers unpack our stuff and bring in things I forgot we even owned.
23. Use my fine china and Christmas china this year. - I did use my Christmas china for our Christmas Spaghetti. It was nice to get them out but not so much fun for just three of us.
24. Establish and stick to a cleaning and laundry schedule. - Well...again...I had high hopes. We haven't had time to buckle down on anything.
25. Make the most of our Y membership. - We cancelled our membership because we weren't really using it for anything other than discounted sports leagues and after school care and the occasional parents' night out. Once I realized we didn't like their sports leagues and the after school discount was only $20, I knew it wasn't worth it.


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