Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Somehow in the midst of my company’s trip to Dave & Buster’s, I over looked the fact that last Friday was Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Last year was the first time I was aware that there is such a day. At the time I wasn’t working so I was able to participate in the MWR (Morale, Welfare & Recreation) hosted trip to a neighboring town for a day of shopping. Military Spouse Appreciation Day was created by President Ronald Reagan as a way to recognize the silent ranks. It falls on the Friday before Mother’s Day every year. The sad thing about Military Spouse Appreciation Day is that away from the military community you won’t hear anything about it. So, I feel it is my job to make the rest of the world aware of Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Do me a favor and find a military spouse and thank them for everything they go through. The soldier, sailor, marine or airman’s job doesn’t end with that individual. It carries over to the family who have to carry the burden of living without someone they love and dreading every knock on the door. I often hear thanks for my husband’s service but not as much for my service. The Army will tell the spouses that even though they don’t wear the uniform, they serve too. This is so true with the deployments and PCSing. It all effects us. Please realize that I am not saying all this to get your thanks. I am saying it so that you can thank those around you. Do you know someone in the National Guard or Reserves who is currently deployed? Make sure you let their spouse know that you appreciate her for standing beside someone in the armed forces. Those simple words go along way. I can’t tell you the number of times I have teared up at a complete stranger telling me thank you for everything I do. Sometimes it is just what you need to make it through the day. Now, I am going to go remind my husband to appreciate me.


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