Birthday Reflections

I intended to write this post on Friday on my actual birthday. I spent a lot of time in the weeks leading up to my birthday thinking about the last year and everything that has happened. Birthdays are really a good time to pause and reflect on life. I am still amazed at everything that has happened and how much my life and I have changed over the last year. So I decided to do a quick rundown of the last year.

July - my 30th birthday; Shawn was at NTC for the big day but took me to Fredericksburg to celebrate
August - trip to Hawaii; Shawn moved out; Shawn filed for divorce
September - went home for Labor Day; found job listing on Monster for job in Austin; applied for job in Austin; interviewed for job in Austin; offered job in Austin
October - started working in Austin; listed Killeen house; secured apartment in Austin; Shawn moved back to Alabama
November - divorce finalized; moved into apartment in Austin; Mom and Dad came for Thanksgiving; met J
December - dating J; his divorce finalized; his mom has stroke and he leaves for Christmas; I head home for Christmas; we drive back to TX together
January - New Year's at J's; Mav to Doggy Boot Camp; J and I head to Mobile for La Luna ball; J goes to visit mom in hospital; offer on Killeen house
February - Mav returns from boot camp; J and I begin the process of breaking up; Valentine's alone; Break up completes;find house in Round Rock; close on Killeen house; bought an iPhone
March - food poisoning; meet James; busied myself preparing for new house; bought a Wii; Easter came early; college friend, Jessica, passed from breast cancer
April - discovered a love for yoga; got a tattoo; James and I broke up; started seeing Dena; went to see Jimmy Buffett in Dallas; closed on new house; Brandon died
May - moved out of apartment in Austin into house in Round Rock; went to New York with Mom, Jenny and Shannon; bailed on Boot Camp; bought a new car (4Runner); went to Crawfish Festival in Fredericksburg alone over Memorial Day weekend; Sex and the City movie
June - still getting settled in new house; met with advisor about going back to school; headed to Alabama for Grand Assembly

While I know this list doesn't really do justice to everything that has happened since I turned 30, I can easily say based off of this list that 31 is looking good already. I am optimistic about what the future holds for me. I am in a great place in my life right now. I am living each day for no one but myself. I am doing things that I enjoy and I don't have to answer to anyone about it. I do hope that I will have someone special to share my life with in the near future. However, I am not an incomplete person because I am alone. I also know that I don't want to settle for less than what is the best for me. Stay tuned as I update you as life unfolds around me.


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday! (late :() I know this next year will be wonderfully surprising for you. I feel it in my bones... and I read it in a fortune cookie!
Kelly said…
Happy birthday, what a year!

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