Making It Happen

I mentioned a few weeks back that I had decided to sign up for the LiveStrong Challenge. I had worked out a bit of a training schedule to get myself ready to walk (or run if I so desired) the 5k at the end of October. Needless to say, after one excuse or another I hadn't gotten very far on my training and I was getting frustrated with myself because of it. While trolling around on the internet one night, I stumbled across the website for a local marathon training program. After reading the information on the site and emailing the program director, I decided that this was a program I could do. The program is called Round Rock Fit and is based on a marathon training program called USA Fit. Fortunately for me, there are different levels of training based on your pace, if you are training for the half or full marathon, or if you are a walker. I decided to join the walking group. Between my knees and my back, I wasn't sure my body would be able to handle the running and I think I will be more comfortable with the walking anyway. Based on the information provided on the website, I was prepared to attempt a 1 to 2 mile walk. Once I got there and started going (at 7:30 on a Saturday morning I might add) I found out that we would be starting with a 3 mile time trial. Now the 5k is just slightly over 3 miles so when I mentioned this to my coach, he told me not to worry because I would definitely be prepared for the challenge in October since I would be doing 3 miles my first day and would be up to much more than that by the time I actually completed the 5k. I was certain there was no way I would be able to finish 3 miles on my first time out or that if I did, I would be really hurting by the end of it. Well, I am proud to say that neither is true. Not only did I finish the 3 miles but I did it in 50 minutes which is just under a 17 minute mile pace. I personally think that is really good for someone who is just starting out. I felt really accomplished when I was done with my walk and now I am excited about the program and optimistic about what it will do for me. I don't know if I am actually going to try to do the marathon. Right now I am just focusing on getting in shape but I may change my mind closer to time for the race in February after all I will be capable of doing it by the time I finish the program. I may do it just to say that I did. We shall see.


CraftyHope said…
Yay for you!! Best of luck on accomplishing all that you have set for yourself. Just believe in yourself, you know you can do it!

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