Follow Up

A couple of my friends commented on my Christmas post on Facebook which made me realize there were a couple more things I wanted to say on the subject.  I believe that I can thank my mom for being such a planner.  I remember watching her run around like crazy the last few days leading up to Christmas and staying up all night to get everything wrapped and under the tree.  This was all before cell phones and she would be gone all day with no way for us to contact her or know when she would be home.  She was exhausted on Christmas day and that lead to a lot of frustration and annoyance in our household.  My mom's procrastination caused me to not have a spontaneous bone in my body.  Everything has to planned and detailed so that I know when it is going to happen.

On that note, I am hosting Thanksgiving for the Sheriff's family at my house this year.  That means I have been picking out recipes and planning out the layout of the food and how everything is going to be cooked.  I have hosted Thanksgiving before but I have cheated using pre-made food that just needed heating to make the meal easier for me.  That means that I am really going to have my hands full trying to complete the meal while keeping Kiddo occupied and the Sheriff sleeps.  It should make for an interesting day.


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