February: The Month of Sick
I posted at the beginning of February that January had been a rough month for us. We had a lot of major expenses come up which left us feeling like we couldn't get ahead. I was optimistic that things would get better in February but I guess I was wrong. If January was the month of broke, February was the month of sick. Jackson and I both spent Valentine's Day at the doctor's office getting treated for sinus infections. A week later I got the dreaded call from daycare that they thought he had picked up the stomach bug that was going around. I was hoping he would miss it since he was just coming off antibiotics but no such luck. Sure enough, four days later I was on my death bed followed by Chris two days later. Apparently this bug hit adults worse than it hit the kids. We were both down for a full day while J was over his before we even picked him up (early) from daycare. All-in-all, I ended up taking 4 days of sick time over the shortest month of the year. Not good.
And just when I thought February couldn't get any worse, especially on the sick front, I got news that still has me shocked. My mom had been having stomach troubles since she had returned from Texas for Blake's birthday. The doctor convinced her to get some further testing done (not an easy feat with my mom) and they determined she has lymphoma. The news is hitting us pretty hard and now we are quickly moving to the world of a family with a member battling cancer. This is not a position I ever expected to be in but here we are waiting for the next course of action. So to say that February was not an improvement over January is an understatement. Will March be better or will this year continue to be my year of suck?
And just when I thought February couldn't get any worse, especially on the sick front, I got news that still has me shocked. My mom had been having stomach troubles since she had returned from Texas for Blake's birthday. The doctor convinced her to get some further testing done (not an easy feat with my mom) and they determined she has lymphoma. The news is hitting us pretty hard and now we are quickly moving to the world of a family with a member battling cancer. This is not a position I ever expected to be in but here we are waiting for the next course of action. So to say that February was not an improvement over January is an understatement. Will March be better or will this year continue to be my year of suck?
You know your Mom is in my prayers. You're family.