The Waiting Game
A single pregnancy lasts a long time. 9 months, 40 weeks, 2/3 of a year. However you want to look at it, it is still a long time. And when you are the one who is pregnant, it seems to stretch out like an eternity before you. Never ending or maybe that is the way you want to imagine it in your mind. But at the same time, it goes by so fast you almost miss it. At least that is the way it is for me. I tell people I only have 3 months left and they tell me it will be here before I know it. But to me, it feels like it was just yesterday that I found out Jackson was on his way. Thinking back over the last 6 months today, I realized that pregnancy is nothing but a big waiting game. After the initial thrill of finding out you are pregnant, you have to wait until you find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. Then you have to wait again until you actually have to baby. In between those moments, there are a lot of little moments: hearing...