Meet Clay

One thing I don't normally do on this blog is prompt myself or goods that I am trying to sell or anything like. However, the time has come for a little shameless self promotion of sorts. I would like you to meet Clay. Clay is my big brother (the younger of the two big brothers) and he is participating in the HEB Slimdown Showdown this year. For those of you who are Texans, HEB is a Texas grocery store chain that is based out of San Antonio. Each year they host the Slimdown Showdown as a way to prompt healthy living in the new year. The contestants are put through a Fit Camp at the start of the program and given tools to help them be more physically active and eat healthier. They are asked to blog about their experience through the contest and talk about how their habits are changing and how the program is helping them. That is where you come in. Clay needs people to check out his blog. To comment. To share it on social media. To do all those fun th...