Wasted Away Again in Margaritaville

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to see Jimmy Buffett in concert. When James told me he was going, I jumped on the chance and finally made it happen. So Saturday morning I woke up at 3:30 AM to get dressed and head to James' by our 5 AM departure. We arrived in Frisco around 8:30 with plenty of time to stop at Kroger to buy last minute supplies before heading to Pizza Hut Park for the pre-concert tailgating. I must say that there are some truly die hard fans out there and I learned a lot of lessons on what to do next time. Tiki bars and some form of motorized transportation are a must. Have you ever seen a crusin' cooler? Somehow I managed to get away without a picture of one but it was the most awesome thing I have ever seen. You don't have to worry about your drink getting warm while you are walking around. It is on ice under your butt! We made friends with our tailgating neighbors which made for an even better day. Wow...there were so many great th...